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Joey Lauren Adams
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5' 5" (1.65 m)

Trade mark
Her voice


Filmed a scene for Wayne's World 2 (1993), but her scene was later deleted during editing.

Dated Kevin Smith while filming Chasing Amy (1997).

Is a fan of country music and wrote the song she sings in Chasing Amy (1997).

Won the Chicago Film Critics "Most Promising Actress" award in 1997 for her performance in Chasing Amy (1997).

Moved to Hollywood in 1988.

When her brother was in a coma from an automobile accident, he would only show a response from her very distinctive voice.

She has worked with both of the London twins. She starred in Dazed and Confused (1993) with Jason London and two years later in Mallrats (1995) with Jeremy London.

Joey Lauren Adams stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Dazed and Confused 1993 Suzy 2017-04-25 *
Mallrats 1995 On DVD 2001-09-14 ***
Chasing Amy 1997 2001-05-18 ** 1/2
The Break-Up 2006 Kendra on DVD 2006-12-09 1/2 *